It then became a stronghold of a power
inimical to all that the harmonious form stands for; in other words,
a retrograde force, a tool of Inertia. Thus we note that over these
three decades during which time the contingency plan has been
operating in full, on a certain dimension the Mother’s work seemed
to have reached an impasse: nothing of its high truth was visible in
the world; and the temple in her name was the focal point of
deception and mis-measure. What was being accomplished, however, was
in secret chambers – but very consciously undertaken. The objective
was to counter the retrograde effects of the force that had usurped
this sacred-most area on the planet, at the heart of the landmass of
her very own Soul – India. During this period the destructive
effects of that force were held within certain boundaries by this
contingency method in a process of containment based on the
aforementioned Laws.
In 1983 a major turning point was reached. In this
contingency plan it was the year of the Globe in what has
come to be known as the Yoga of the Chamber. Throughout the ennead
of the 1980s (1980-1989) the inner chamber was ‘constructed’ by
yogic methods in order to cement the Mother’s original plan in the
atmosphere. This was the only means to counter the construction of
disharmonious form and measure. It was the only method to save what
could be saved for the future of the Work.
This intense
period lasted throughout the 1980s, a very special decade. Only in
that decade – or, more properly, ennead - could a particular
facet of the chamber be duly set in place. By yogic methods
of a very special order, ancient yet new, each year one particular
object of the Chamber was thus ‘constructed’. The method’s newness
lies in the fact that there is always a renewal because of the role
Time and the Becoming must necessarily play in this renovation. With
each rising Sun the divine Usha brings a new dawn as she
appears on the horizon on her white steed, Agni, carrying her
luminous rays in ever-increasing abundance into the lived experience
of life on this sacred planet, respecting the demands of the dynamic
flow of Time. And it was by the express aid of Time itself that the
rectification was done, hinging on the measure of the Year.
Thus 1983 of 3 number-power was the year that the Globe
had to be ‘set in place’. This meant that the distorted horizontal
and vertical axes which had been cemented in the Auroville model
required ‘correction’ so that the perfect Centre could be realised.
It was a labour of untold difficulty given the nature of the
resistance and the objective to be attained. We were not only
dealing with a situation involving a handful of devotees and the
mental aberrations of one architect-usurper. Contained in the effort
was the deviation the entire body of Indian spirituality had taken
centuries ago, represented in the off-centre axis which created a
void where there should be the fullness that emanates from a
true centre. In terms of the human endeavour, this is a rightly
poised consciousness-being, in turn the outcome of a birth that
fills the void. This was indeed accomplished in 1983. The
direction was then inward, into a Point, no longer to the Beyond.
And thus was born the true Centre, and with it the Earth’s express
contribution to her planetary family was redeemed.
The result was a before and after. Nothing
would be the same after this breakthrough. Everything would need to
be assessed in the light of this ‘birth’. What was in harmony with
that could be termed ‘new’. There could be no mixture thereafter, as
the Mother had warned, because the Void of the Ages had been filled.
In other words, the Usurper’s days were numbered.
details of this unique process are not important for MAC readers to
know, though the results of these operations have been documented in
numerous publications, starting in 1985 with the appearance of
The Vishaal Newsletter which was issued every two months until
1996 as a means of keeping the group spread throughout the world
informed of the progress as it was taking place.
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