Distinctions need to be
made between various natural phenomena. Cyclones, tornadoes,
hurricanes, all have ‘centres’ – eyes, as they are termed.
They are organised formations but numerous, spread throughout
the outer coverings of the Earth, amidst her veils, as it were. On
the other hand we have volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and resultant
tsunamis which have their origins in the very bowels of the planet.
That is where their ‘centre’ is found, - in this single ‘core’. The
difference is significant. While the atmosphere is prolific in its
multiplication of such phenomena, each with its own eye, the
movement of the Earth’s crust owes its being to this core activity,
to pressures exerted from within. The outer phenomena is
measurable, we can follow the development, sometimes over many days,
and prepare ourselves; there are no surprises involved. But the key
feature of the other is precisely the element of the unexpected.
We now need
to add to the tally of past cyclones that have ravaged the armpit
area the tsunami of 2004, which covered not only something of the
upper portion but the entire Tail. In fact it is clear that the
emphasis this time around was not the armpit proper; rather, it was
the Tail, - the whole of it. Indeed, the quake that the clash
between the India and Burma plates generated – a fault line that
stretches inside and along the Tail’s bottom section - seems to have
been a whiplash of sorts, as if the Tail where these plates are
located had been flicked like a massive whip in the hands of some
raging Elemental that threw back into the area its fullest fury. If
we could describe the holocaust in one word it would be rage.
Readers of these Chronicles and Updates may feel that
this has nothing to do with the Mother’s Vision, much less with her
plan of the Inner Chamber. But this is not the case since the entire
Symbol-Map is given pride of place in her enlightened plan.
As reported in CIC 8, the total area of India – 40
degrees long. east and 30 degrees lat. north – is ‘contained’ in the
70 cms Globe (40+30=70), as given by the Mother and confirmed by the
Knowledge. This is done on the basis of the Laws of Correspondence
and Equivalence, a method reserved for Rishis of a very high order
such as the Mother (see CIC7).
Having ‘contained’ or ‘corresponded’ the total landmass
of Akhand Bharat in the Globe, the next step was to link the
landmass to the year. This means that Time and Space would thus
converge in the Globe (and Pedestal). To achieve this harmonisation
the positioning of the descending solar Ray (the year) must be
exact; and in order to attain that precision, the height of the
stone Pedestal must be 50 cms.
When these measurements are honoured a very great aid is
at our disposal to bring a similar harmony into the landmass in
question; in this case the obvious effect would be an emphasis on
the unity of the area in fulfilment of the high destiny that
Capricorn signifies. But when these measurements are inexact,
obviously no such help is given and the reverse can be experienced;
or else, whatever is attained is on the basis of great efforts:
sizeable expenditures of energy for very little gain.
The destiny of the Mother’s vision as a focal point for
the Laws of Correspondence and Equivalence to operate was a thing
decreed long ago. That special destiny could not be changed
regardless of the ego’s interference, ‘…the things men do’,
to quote the Mother. Inasmuch as the containment would operate in
spite of the resistances met along the way of the Chamber’s
descent into Earth time and space, the disturbances such
interferences and disbelief would engender had also to be
accommodated; but not without a certain toll. In other words, the
destiny is played out negatively.
There has thus been a contingency plan in effect to
assuage that negativity since the mid 1970s when the Auroville
Matrimandir fell irretrievably under the sway of a lesser ‘purpose’.
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