In the symbol-map the three Gunas of Indian tradition
have been added, but with a major difference. They are in their
correct positions, the correct ‘flow’, Rajas to Sattva to Tamas. The
practice of placing Sattva in front and the rest behind was the
surest way to lose the cosmic connection. This misplacement was the
result of the otherworldly goal that in one form or another had
become the apex of every yogic path and for which attainment the
Sattva Guna was the most appropriate.
The secret hidden in this zodiacal glyph, traditionally
known as the Name of God, is precisely the three Gunas in their
correct order insofar as this allows us to make the connection with
the heavens. The section that we draw attention to in this Update is
the Tamas portion which extends down to the Tail.
On numerous occasions this Convenor has written about
the destructive activity of Nature that the area frequently
experiences. We quote from The New Way, Volume 2, page 355,
written in 1977 and published in 1981: ‘One of the most crucial
areas of her Body [Mother India] is the armpit of the left arm,
Bangladesh [and continuing down the Tail], because this area stands
at the point of transition from Capricorn to Sagittarius and
coincides with the mouth of the Ganges. The energy change there is
from rajas (Capricorn) to tamas (Sagittarius). It is a tremendously
potent point – hence even nature manifests there in her full power
when cyclones rage into this armpit with a force only occasionally
felt elsewhere on the globe…’.
The shift noted above refers to the geo-cosmology of
this New Way when the zodiac is laid across the globe, starting at
Greenwich with 0 degrees Aries and moving eastward in a backward
movement through the signs similar to the direction of the
precession of the equinoxes. In a splendid manifestation of the
Harmony, when we reach India it is exactly at that point that the
sign Capricorn begins – her own ruler, according to the tradition –
60 degrees east. Thereafter the entire Capricorn map is displayed on
the landmass, covering 40 degrees of longitude. But each zodiacal
sign consists of only 30 degrees; thus, when the ‘armpit’ noted
above is reached in this eastward flow, we observe that the sign
Sagittarius begins, continuing to the end of the glyph for 10
degrees; hence the energy shift from rajas (Capricorn) to tamas (Sagittarius)
mentioned above. At that convergence point between the two signs,
the mouths of Ganga are located. It is, as it were, a time-space ‘fault’.
Here is the geo-cosmic ruler, reproduced from The New Way,
Volume 2, Chapter 9:

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