Update 6
– 24 February 2005
‘…If the measurement of the temple is in every way perfect.
There is perfection in the universe as well.’ (Mahamaya, XXII,
On December 26, 2004, a tremendous natural upheaval occurred, unlike
anything the world has record of. Given the advances of our 21st
Century communications media, scenes of this devastation were
continuously flashed across the globe, drawing our attention to the
event almost as it was transpiring. As in all such situations, this
too served to prove that we are one world. From all corners
people watched the raging spectacle and commiserated with the
millions affected by this devastation. We were made a part of the
phenomenon along with its victims, in a sense. And so colossal was
the destruction that unprece-dented relief efforts have been set in
motion, again drawing us all together as one family.
For readers
familiar with the new cosmology referred to time and again in the
Chronicles, it is the location of the tsunami that is of
special interest. When maps were relayed across our television
screens, one could not fail to note that the area struck by the wave
was precisely the ‘tail’ of the Capricorn hieroglyph (below) which
delineates the landmass of Akhand Bharat – the full and true body of
Mother India (see CIC 8). The Tail of the glyph reproduced here
points to all the nations affected by the earthquake and subsequent
tsunami. We can visualise a circle drawn within the Tail area and
note that the quake was almost an excuse to draw into orbit all
these nations. But there is more that needs to be discussed now that
the dust has settled, so to speak, which involves the theme of these
Chronicles, - the Mother’s original plan of her Inner Chamber.

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