Along with
everything else they are thrust into the bag of ‘just coincidences’.
And by this reasoning, the gnostic content of the Inner Chamber has
been eliminated forever in the Auroville construction.
Still we must go deeper. If we really wish to identify with
the essence of the Chamber and the realisation it offers, then we
have to realise that these obstructors goad us on, as the
Mother noted in one of her most insightful revelations (see
Appendix). And in this light we note that had the article, or the 3,
not been dropped there would have been no struggle to have the
Mother’s plan reinstated; and if we could have eliminated that
struggle, there would be no revelation of the gnostic content of the
Mother’s vision. In other words, it would not have become an
APPLICABLE tool of the Yoga. Indeed, there would have been no Yoga
of the Chamber at all since the essential ingredient in the process
is knowledge and conscious participation. The 3 had to
be lost so that this denial would force her unveiling which in
itself was the method to bring down the Knowledge.
Thus, we have had to live the dismissal of the 3 (and
the article – all at the same time) with all its pain, strife and
struggle, so that the light could be brought to Earth in its full
power, revealing in the process the sublime contribution made by the
Becoming as this anecdote reveals, just as the Mother understood
four decades ago.
For Auroville and its followers ‘Mother’ is fine; it is the
way they have chosen and with which they feel comfortable. But for
readers of these Chronicles and students of the New Way, she will
always be, as Sri Aurobindo envisioned her, the Mother, the
combined 3 + 6.
The complete Descent is 3 + 6 + 9. In the New Way one
angle at the base of the Sacred Triangle is 6. It is balanced by the
3, the other angle, to equal the Apex, the 9. This is the Formula;
this is WHAT IS. We may choose to eliminate the 3 (and the article)
and remain only with the 6; but then we chose death, decay and the
shadow because the 3 is the integration of the Becoming and it is
indispensable in order to transform linear processes to circular.
This is the essence of the New Way, and it is the essence of the
Mother’s Inner Chamber.

Circular processes are necessarily different from the linear.
Axis and alignment are the issue, not a horizontal,
linear arrow. But to bring this about a centre is required; and to
create this centre compression from the periphery is demanded
(goading?), pressing ever inward to a Point.
The Mother foresaw that
at a certain point hostile forces would no longer be required to
create what she has referred to as a pressure of the Consciousness
(through ‘crushing circumstances’). Now we must explore other
possibilities in light of what has descended after the Mother’s
preliminary labour up to 1970.
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