readers of the MAC communications, it is paramount to understand
Plichta’s postulation because it is a direct outcome of the work the
Mother was engaged in on the subtle planes, as described in
Chronicle 9, culminating finally in her original vision and plan of
the Inner Chamber in January 1970. Plichta realised the
reality of numbers, inspired by the Mother from those planes
(‘…I still see the arrangement of numbers I was making, which were
totally living – numbers were living things…’. Ibid).
Thus Plichta’s new science became SPACE, TIME, and NUMBER;
and it validates everything contained in our Chronicles and the New
Way Cosmology.
(However, it must be stated that the new cosmology goes a step
further than Plichta’s postulation; but that is immaterial to the
point we wish to make here.)
Dr Plichta came to the conclusion – and this too will
fascinate our readers and the enthusiasts of the Mother’s original
vision and plan – that nothing is arbitrary. The
trinity, the number 3, the decimal and metric systems were
‘discovered’ and have come to be the foundation of our measuring
because they are ‘there’ in nature to be seen. They
are the construction plan of the universe, according to Plichta.
The Mother’s original plan is the new model of the
universe, as the Chronicles have indicated time and again, or the
‘blueprint’ (Plichta’s construction plan) of creation. And the
Mother also used space, time and number to create this model
with those very keys and no other.
The formula of the new cosmology was complete only in
1976 when to the original 9/6/3/0 the number 1 was added (yogically).
Then the total was 18 + 1, or 19 – the number that opened up
Plichta’s world, revolutionising science.
On a lighter vein, there is a very interesting anecdote
regarding 19 and the Mother’s vision and plan. Up until March of
1976, the 19 did not figure in the discoveries, as recorded in
The Gnostic Circle (Aeon Books, 1975). In the middle of the
struggle to have the Mother’s original plan (of space, time and
number) accepted by the builders, the residents, and the
administration of Auroville, its author received the visit of the
executing architect, Piero Cicionesi (see Chronicle 3). True to his
irrepressible tendency to mockery, when he was leaving and was
accompanied by the author to the main door of the compound where she
lived, leading on to the road where he had left his motorcycle,
after starting up the engine Cicionesi had an afterthought. He
dismounted all of a sudden, ran up to the address tacked in brass on
the main door, rubbed the numbers as one would Aladdin’s magic lamp,
snickered and exclaimed in Italian, ‘Ha-ha, 19 – very
significant, very significant, HA!’ He then jumped on his
motorcycle and continued blissfully on his mocking way.
That was the last attempt on the part of the author to
deal with that representative consciousness embodied in the
executing architect of the Mother’s temple. Plichta confronts this
attitude in scientific circles all the time. But here is the really
exciting part – and Plichta will certainly agree: Within months of
Cicionesi’s mocking of address number 19 on the author’s door, the
most phenomenal breakthrough in her yoga occurred – all centred
precisely on the number 19. Will some kind reader of these pages
inform Cicionesi how accurate his prophetic mockery turned out to
be! Nothing of The New Way, Volumes 1, 2, & 3, not even one
line, could have been written without the added 19 which completed
the Formula, 9/6/3/0-1 (=19).One
has to view Piero Cicionesi’s attitude in the context of the
phenomenal control that number (through Time) exerts. And
then see how we are either puppets or instruments of the Divine
Planner. That is about the only choice (read, free will) we
have: puppets or instruments.
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