Update 2 – 22
October 2004
Navami (according to the old calendar)
hose of you who have diligently followed the 12
Chronicles of the Inner Chamber, at least would have come away with
a very different understanding of numbers. By the end of that series
– what has come to be known as the Yoga of the Chronicles – number
has to have become for each of you more living, real
powers and not just ‘coincidental’ representations which, from
the ordinary viewpoint of our contemporary science, are akin to
metaphors or figures of speech. In themselves they have no reality;
they are simply convenient symbols to convey processes and can be
Rather, study of the Chronicles would have brought its
readers a degree closer to appreciating the Mother’s experience of
Number and the Golden and Dark Blue columns, as reported in
Chronicle 9, pages 7-9. That remarkable description of her
night-time experiences in 1969 was a ‘seed’ event: the Mother
planted a seed. This was picked up, fertilised and brought to
fruition in two known places on the globe immediately after – Italy
and Germany. Interestingly, both countries thereafter played central
roles in the temple saga of Auroville.
The German ‘seeding’ is largely the subject of the
present communication from MAC. One of our aims is to reveal the
manner in which the Mother’s original vision and plan of the Inner
Chamber has influenced evolution, civilisation, society, on numerous
levels. In these assessments Time helps to eliminate speculation,
guessing, imagination, and adds a certain precision to our quest.
One example is the work of the chemist/mathematician, Dr Peter
Plichta of Düsseldorf, Germany (http://www.plichta.de/
- Articles: ‘Prime Numbers and the Plan of Creation’).
Immediately after the Mother’s vision of the Chamber
took place (31 December 1969-17 January 1970), Dr Plichta began to
understand the true nature of Number. This was in 1970 and it is
corroborated by his biography. It was revolutionising, leading
finally to his dismissal of science as we know it today 19 years
later. His breakthrough was centred on the prime numbers of
mathematics. With them he found the ‘plan of creation’, or the
‘construction plan’ God used in the evolution of the universe, all
the way down the scale from macro- to microcosm. On this basis he
realised that ‘coincidence’ does not exist but is just a convenient
method for scientists to eliminate this ‘plan’ (and hence God) from
their postulations, which has had a devastating effect on societies
the world over.
Even more interesting is that Plichta’s outstanding work
was based on his discovery of the formula 3 + 1, as well as the
number 19. Both are, of course, central to the New Way Cosmology, on
the basis of which the code of the Mother’s chamber has been cracked
(to use the current popular jargon!).
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