It is the crucial point where pillars, square, sides and base join. The required precision then knits together the entire structure by these occult demarcations of the chamber’s inner space.
          In this manner, with a room diameter of exactly 24m, the chamber is supported by Sri Aurobindo’s symbol at the base and sides; while the chamber’s inner circle defines the measurements of the Shalagrama. The point is, without the divine measure which the Mother’s Vision provides, with its remarkable new precision, none of this is possible. Again we must refer to Chronicle 5, page 4, and the discussion on Vedic tradition. The proportions for the idols of Hindu temples are sacrosanct because they are taken from the cosmic harmonies and only when executed faithfully can that particular cosmic energy occupy the form. 

 From The New Way, Vol.2, p. 453,
Aeon Books, 1981

           This is exactly the position regarding the Mother’s Vision: only when her divine Measure is respected do we find that Sri Aurobindo’s symbol and its power are occultly contained in the Shalagrama, Mona Doctor notwithstanding. We may be told that it is so, we may believe that it is so; but only the precision the Mother demanded can make it so. For Sri Aurobindo’s symbol to MANIFEST in the outer shape, certain points in the temple’s inner space have to be demarcated; and these depend entirely on the chamber’s 24m diameter.
          If instead we have 23m, everything ‘falls apart’, since the circle of pillars is also imperfectly rendered and does not demarcate the innermost square of the Avatar’s sacred lotus; nor does it intercept the sides and base of the triangles.

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