
And we are precisely at the time when ... the other creations had come to an end; but instead of coming to an end, this one will be transformed. How? I have no idea.
            The interesting thing in man is that materially speaking, he is ... a mere nothing, a second lost in eternity – a tangled web of weaknesses – but in terms of consciousness, he has the capacity to understand. His consciousness is capable of contacting the supreme Conscious-ness. So naturally there are all those who wanted to merge back into that Consciousness, but Sri Aurobindo said: the point is not to merge back into it but to make the world capable of manifesting that supreme Consciousness.
            That’s ultimately the whole point.
            How did they arrive at the same conclusion? ... There must have been a reason for them to know the same thing at the same time, in totally different countries and without ever knowing about each other.
            And I met one and the other.
            Obviously, it is of great interest.
            It is truly interesting because this physical being [the Mother’s] was not born in an important position, quite the contrary [gesture indicating an ordinary background].... The only thing I remember well is when I was a little girl (five or six years old, I can’t say exactly), a very little girl, seated in a little armchair made especially for me, and I would feel a GREAT Force above my head [the Mother raises a finger above her head]]. And already at that age (the way a child thinks, you know) I knew ’that’ was sure to accomplish great things.... I didn’t understand anything, I didn’t know anything. 


That is it now: instead of pralaya, transformation.

(long silence)

And now it is transformation instead of pralaya.


Theon was mistaken in believing that the present Manifestation is the 7th. It is actually the 9th. But there was an important element to his discovery, especially pertinent to the contents of this Chronicle. With the Precession of the Equinoxes applied to our Map, the key to unravel the mysteries, we discover that the 7th Manifestation (Theon’s) was the period of 6480 years during which time the Great Pyramid was constructed. Each of the 12 Manifestations consists of 3 sign/ages. Here is the Map:

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