A news item appeared
in The Hindu, 27 May 2004, entitled ‘Why the Earth Wobbles’.
It needs to be reported to our readers because of its important
implications for the Great Pyramid, and by consequence the Mother’s
inner chamber in which the Great Pyramid holds a privileged place,
provided the measurements the Mother gave are accurately executed.
This report from scientists at the University of Nevada adds
considerable weight to the assessment put forth in these Chronicles
(quoted above) regarding the function of the Great
The ‘wobble’ referred to in the newspaper report
is what creates the Precession of the Equinoxes. Catching up with
ancient traditions the world over, science now knows that it takes
approximately 26,000 years of the Precession for one gyration to be
completed, but more importantly it is now theorising that a shift in
mass on the surface of the Earth can alter that rhythm.
According to Geoff Blewitt, by using a global positioning system
over the past decade and measuring changes in the shape of the
Earth, the conclusion his team has arrived at is that ‘…the earth is
wobbling while its shape is changing…It bulges at the equator as
it’s spinning. If the position and height of that bulge changes
slightly – we can pick it up’.
This shift in mass changes the wobble and,
by consequence, the rhythm of the Precession must change.
The builders of the Great Pyramid possessed a
technology very far in advance of our own. On this point there can
be no dispute. However, what is still being questioned – or rather
ignored because there seems to be no ‘reasonable’ answer – is what
the purpose of such a massive structure might have been. Being so
obviously the product of an advanced civilisation, it is
unacceptable that we continue teaching our children that those
pre-historic builders were egomaniacs seeking self-aggrandisement.
The Great Pyramid and its companions had a specific role to play –
and incredibly this role embraced the destiny of the entire Earth.
The Initiates of those times dealt with the Solar System as if it
were a great Clock, and they left us this evidence of their
startling ability to re-set this cosmic timepiece.
What has not been addressed, though we continue
to give so much thought to HOW the pre-Pharaonic Egyptians carried
out the construction, is why such massive stones
were required. We seek to understand how they were
set in place, realising that today we cannot duplicate such a
formidable feat; but no one questions why they needed such enormous
blocks to begin with. Considering their very advanced technological
capacity, the Pyramids could have been made hollow, if only the
shape was required – for whatever purpose. This was not the case.
Great effort was put into securing a certain tightly fitted mass.
It seems clear enough that this mass is the key issue.
Contemporary science is now edging closer to the
discovery of just what a given mass might have been needed for,
though it does not apply these discoveries to the Great Pyramid;
after all, our text books continue to propagate the misinformation
that we are the apex of evolution! How can science now introduce
anything that might contradict this dogma?
As stated in these Chronicles and in other publications, a ‘shifting
of the poles’ was required in order to bring about a convergence of
the two circles, equatorial and sidereal, in 234 BCE. This was to
assure that the Age of Aquarius would begin in 1926.
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