Devotees, disciples, donors have all been fooled over the years. They
have contributed time, money, energy to construct a ‘shadow’ of the
original, revised according to ‘mental ideas’, as the Mother
‘We will
let it sort itself out. Because you see, to accept changes it is
necessary that I be certain that the origin of the inspiration is of
the same quality as mine…for the building, I know very well that people
are needed who know their job and who do the work. But for the
inspiration it is necessary that I be certain that the origin of the
inspiration be AT LEAST of the same level as mine… And I am not sure,
because I saw it so clearly. And immediately with Paolo’s ideas I saw
the mixture. His ideas are all mental, I can guarantee it because it is
easy for me to see that. Well, they bring the same MIXTURE that there
is in everything that is done in the world. And that…what is the use in
beginning again, again, again…?’ (Ibid)
In spite of her clear instructions and even entreaties, and
having no one to defend her position in this important issue (all
supported the architects, then and now), once she put out this call the
Divine Consciousness did indeed ‘sort out the people’ who could build
HER vision; while, on the other hand, the Auroville construction was
taken up by men and women incapable not only of understanding sacred
geometry and the special symbolism involved, but also lacking the yogic
poise that would have permitted them to repose complete faith in the
Mother’s wisdom in matters well beyond their level of comprehension.
Her superior yogic capacity to SEE, to receive the SHRUTI, was entirely
disregarded by the architects, builders, and the disciples who were
involved in this most important of all the Mother’s yogic discoveries.
To this day those who are in charge of Auroville have not revealed any
capacity to bear witness to the Mother’s extraordinary yogic feat.
Instead of respect and devotion, the architects and builders
have introduced those ‘mental’ changes, which are now attributed to
the Mother herself.
If the
revisions had been made public from the very beginning the situation
would be less grave. Apart from all else, it is the deception that is
serious cause for concern. Why must we, all of us who have vibrated to
the original vision and responded to the call, accept the architects’ egos
as the central symbol of the Chamber in place of the Mother’s perfectly
poised and integrating soul-power? For this is the difference between
her design and what has been built in its place.
What has been set in place in the Matrimandir as ‘the
Mother’s original’, describes in symbol form the ego and not
the soul.
The time has come for all who have experienced the truth of the
Mother’s original vision to come forward and expose the reigning
falsehood and to demand a reinstatement of the original plan, supported
by the Mother’s own words to help in the construction of as perfect a
reproduction of her vision as is humanly possible.
Manifesto spells out the objectives of MAC and invites all sincere
believers in the Mother’s original vision to join hands in this
noble endeavour.
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