In so doing, it will become
clear that from the very beginning there was no real intention of following the Mother’s directives as
given during the 18 days of her discussions with Satprem and Paolo. For
it is to those discussions that PC refers, since there is no other
record where the Mother makes mention of the sphere, the ray playing
upon it, accurate measurements, and so forth. Before proceeding, note
that in this same issue of Auroville Today, in the ‘Chronology
of Mother’s Construction’, page 3, the dates go from 31.12.1969 (before
the Mother had her Vision) to March 1970 with the presentation of
Roger’s designs. Those precious, historical 18 days, when the Mother
explained and defended her Vision and handed Satprem and Paolo her
plan, are eliminated. They just do not exist for Auroville and its
would therefore appear from this interview that the executing architect
made every possible effort to create the Chamber of the Mother’s
original vision, using Udar Pinto’s drawing as his guide.
In this Chronicle, we will take up just one aspect of PC’s statement
for analysis to demonstrate that, 1) there was never any intention of
following her directives with accuracy, professionalism and sincerity,
and 2) there has been a deliberate campaign to convince the public –
and perhaps the community of Aurovilleans themselves - that it was all
‘according to the Mother’s original plan’.
Consider the statement in a Publisher’s Note of the German translation
of The Gnostic Circle (Fischer Verlag, 1977, first edition
18,000 copies), by the same person. In The Gnostic Circle the
author’s text on page 256 reads:
(Translated from
the German): ‘It must be mentioned here that it is getting clearer and
clearer that the measurements and the plan given by the Mother are not
being followed accurately in the construction. All the arrangements and
dimensions we speak of here are, however, taken from the original plan
the Mother had drawn up by an Ashram engineer, and her recorded talks
about her vision-experience of the Temple which already exists on the
subtle plane and is influencing ours.’
Below is the Publisher’s Note by the editor in charge of the edition
for Fischer Verlag, Ms Crystal Falk, with a statement from the
architect regarding this text:
(Translated from
the German) ‘During the last supervision of the manuscript before
printing on 14.6.1977, the master builders of Matrimandir who are
presently in Europe to get the marble for the Inner Chamber, have
categorically stated that after some technical discussions the
construction is now going to be done exactly according to the
measurements and instructions of the original plan which the Mother had
drawn up by the above-mentioned Ashram engineer [Udar Pinto]. For some
time this appeared uncertain because of structural difficulties in
building the outer supporting construction of Matrimandir, which
required a spherical shape.’
When the
book was released and this outrageous falsehood was discovered as a
‘Publisher’s Note’, without the author’s knowledge or consent, the
publisher Fischer Verlag then agreed to make amends for the liberty
taken by the person in charge, Crystal Falk, and print a corrigendum
to be included in each copy.
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