The adoption of this
un-Vedic method of calculation, binding on all Hindus throughout
the world and which has brought so much confusion into Hinduism, was
for purely commercial reasons. There was no great and
illuminating revelation – sruti, dristi – involved in the
switch to this un-Vedic system; whereas we have verses
preserved in the Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda indicating
specifically that it is the Tropical Zodiac ONLY that must be
followed. On the other hand, when printing presses were engaged for
the preparation and dissemination of the calendar of observances,
the entire operation of preparing timings for temples and
astrologers became one of commercial interests rather than to
be at the service of the sacred. There was no VEDIC basis involved
in the introduction of the current Nirayana system of calendar
observances for Hindus, - a tragic state of affairs.
Today this
commercially-inspired development has caused chaos to reign in
matters that should be luminous and unquestionable. There is no
‘authority’ within the current Nirayana system who can defend its
unillumined origins, or in any way demonstrate its superiority over
the Vedic method of calculation. The Chief Pundits of the temples
themselves rely entirely on almanac writers whose vested interests
are served by propagating a Bija Correction to establish an
exclusive Ayanamsha starting point that he or she can ‘prove’
is superior to other almanac producers. This is the way
exclusivity is maintained by the different Pachangakars. If they
seek to increase their popularity – and of course the sale of their
Almanacs – they must simply claim that their ‘correction’ is more
‘scientifically accurate’.
The truth is that there
cannot be any such accuracy in the Nirayana system.
Science cannot determine any ‘accurate’ Ayanamsha in the circle
of CONSTELLATIONS which is constantly shifting. That is, the
various Ayanamshas proposed in the un-Vedic system float in a void,
as it were. The ‘circle’ they are measured against is not prescribed
in the Veda precisely because it is not FIXED. The only truly
scientific and astronomically correct system is the Vedic Tropical
Zodiac, the Sayana system, WHICH NEVER VARIES: each year the Ayanamsha
for the correct start of the Hindu calendar of observances is the
same, - the Equinox of 21 March.
The falsehood that has
taken hold, the lie that must be exposed is this question of
‘scientific accuracy’ of the Nirayana system over the Vedic Sayana
method, which does not in any way serve Hindus but only the vested
commercial interests of Almanac Publishers. Their claims have no
Vedic sanction at all.
But here is the saddest part: their adoption by different
astrologers and temple pundits is similar to drug addiction. Once
astrologers decide to adopt one of the numerous almanacs on the
market, proffered through a particular family of astrologers, gurus
or pundits, forever after they must continue to use that Almanac
with its exclusive ‘bija correction’ that makes it different from
the other competitors in the field.
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