But when the
horizontal and vertical are not perfectly aligned, there
is this ‘tilt’ and hence shadows are formed. In this context
the Auroville Matrimandir has also been referred to by MAC as the
Shadow Temple because it does indeed cast shadows. 23.20 is one
part of that configuration; and we see that it is descriptive of the
planet’s own axial tilt.
All is
perfectly as it should be. The Shadow is made comprehensible
by the Light, and by this we verify just how much distance (in time)
needs to be crossed before perfect alignment occurs. Moreover, this
discrepancy between the tilt and the perfect alignment describes our
passage to the new supramental species. In symbols it is therefore this
to this .
Tradition can
again confirm that the Earth is the place destined for this higher
evolutionary process in that the astronomical symbol of the third
planet from the Sun is . It was carried over
into astronomy from the ancient tradition of astrology.
But before
reaching that new balance we realise that our present
transitional stage is best represented by the off-centre alignment
, just as the Auroville Matrimandir perfectly represents the
old mortal creation. Our civilisation,
which some among us feel is in an irrevocable state of collapse, is
thus strung up on this off-centre cross, indicating a fatal lack of a
higher alignment that casts no shadows. And further,
Capricorn, that Earth and Cosmic period of the year which, precisely, casts
no shadows, is not only the zodiacal ruler of India but is also
known as the soul of the Earth. More significantly, it is the time
period of victorious Mars, the Mother’s triumphant and not crucified
The Tropics of
Cancer and Capricorn
The axial tilt also
defines the ‘farthest reaches’ of Sri Aurobindo’s own descent. Due to
the Earth’s axis alignment the apparent journey of the Sun north of the
equator ends at 23 degrees 26 minutes. It is the outer ‘rim’ known as
the Tropic of Cancer because the Sun’s position at that northern rim
when it appears to stand still (from sistere, to stand still),
would be the gateway into the zodiacal sign Cancer. In Earth latitude
on that particular ‘rim’ we find Calcutta (now Kolkata), where Sri
Aurobindo took birth, 22N34. This corresponds in the calendar to the 21
st June
It may not be
recognised at first glance that the Mother’s chamber
speaks to us of the Earth’s geographical properties and her
position in the solar system and rapport with the Sun; but the Vedic
Laws of Correspondence are the means to uncover these more recondite
aspects of her Vision; and while this study helps us understand much
about the Supramental Manifestation, it also uncovers the fact that the
Mother’s original plan is the sole example of a renaissance of the
ancient Vedic art of temple building – as well as of those special Laws
themselves. We have no other contemporary
proof that such Laws did exist; and, if so, that they are being applied
today. For all practical purposes, without the
Mother’s Vision and its Knowledge content as described in these
Chronicles, it is a dead tradition: rituals without living and
applicable truth. This is the origin and
definition of superstition.
One of the
purposes of the periodic descent of the Evolutionary Avatars
of Vishnu is the fundamental task of refocusing the time-lens, so to
speak. This becomes necessary because it is the correct perception of
Time that grants legitimacy and, above all, applicability to the sacred.
The Unifying Language at our website: www.matacom.com for a discussion on Leonardo’s revelations
concerning the cross and the circle. In the language of pure geometric
symbols, the Auroville Matrimandir is the Square of Leonardo’s famous
Vitruvius Man as discussed in that paper; the Mother’s original chamber
plan is Man in the Circle.
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