urther to the first
Announcement regarding the important breakthrough in matters Vedic
connected to the Mother’s vision of the Inner Chamber, this
additional material, with specific references to the Chronicles of
the Inner Chamber (CIC) that MAC has been posting to interested
parties throughout the world, will further clarify how the Chamber
becomes a corrective Cosmic Time-Piece to serve the Vishnu
This ‘service’ is
rendered only when the accurate measurements are maintained as given
by the Seer – in this case the Mother. Therefore it is stated in the
Mahamaya of ancient times,
‘If the measurement of
the temple is in every way perfect,
there is perfection in the universe as well’
(XXII, 92).
These words are
inspired by the same wisdom we find throughout the MAC Chronicles,
for example in those where the Sacrificial Year is discussed that
has to be RE-SET to bring it back to the Vedic alignment. It is
further to be noted that in disregarding the importance of a
meticulous care in incorporating the measurements as given in the
plan drawn up by the Mother herself, in addition to all the design
details she had specified, the present building in Auroville
readying to be inaugurated has no significant purpose except to
serve as a political toy. Whereas, in the Chronicles of the Inner
Chamber the precise PURPOSE of the Mother’s original vision and plan
is explained in great detail, revealing the method whereby Order
is restored to the universe and heaven descends upon Earth.
The most significant
and relevant measurements given by the Mother are 1) the diameter of
the Globe – 70 cm; and 2) the length of the descending solar Ray –
15.20m., from the top of the Chamber to the top of the Pedestal.
This indicates a horizontal and a vertical measuring
process. Without these the task of re-setting the Cosmic Timepiece
cannot be accomplished; without these two measurements there can be
no re-setting, and then the Hindu Line of Ten ceases to exist as the
central Axis of Hinduism and its binding force. The Epics themselves
drift into irrelevancy and the Dharma is lost forever.
With these two
measurements it is established that the Vedic Sacrifice, extended
over the 365-day Earth Year, rests on the four Cardinal Points. In
Chapter 1, Volume 2 of The New Way (Aeon Books 1981), the
exact details of this spectacular revelation are given, with
accompanying diagrams (p. 219) that indicate how the Equinox of
21/22 March comes into being at the exact centre of the
Globe. This is called the Year of Space, and its structure is
fourfold and twelvefold.
However, of equal if
not more importance is the Year of Time, extended down the very same
solar Ray (‘cow’/gau) of 365 days; its structure is threefold
and ninefold. But this sacredmost measurement indicates the year of
Sri Aurobindo’s passing and how and through whom his return would
occur. Based on the measurement of the Globe, the Pedestal’s height
is extracted (CIC 7); thereby we are informed of the year that this
Return would transpire, - 1963, or 13 years after 1950. None
of this is verifiable or even at all perceivable if the Nirayana
system of Nakshatras is the basis used in temple worship and
calendar specifications.
Therefore we state that
the Avatar, and ONLY the true Evolutionary Avatar and not the
Usurpers, comes to re-establish the Dharma by re-setting the Cosmic
Clock which mechanism is his own cosmic credentials.
None of the Usurpers can lay claim to equal cosmic credentials which
in themselves are able to re-set the Universal Clock to its accurate
Zero Point and restore the Vedic Order as traced across the cosmic
horizon by Vishnu Trivikrama. Only the Divine Maya can serve Vishnu
in this sacred Mission. But to obstruct Him, to seek to have Vishnu
fail to execute his perfectly measured Strides, the Usurpers’ must
preserve the prevailing false and un-divine Maya that has been
ruling over the Hindu fold for far too long.
Therefore, is the
Mahamaya ‘fanciful’ or ‘quaint’ when it sings of the ‘perfection of
the universe’ coming into being when the measurement of the temple
‘is in every way perfect’?
Matrimandir Action Committee
and Movement for the Restoration
of Vedic Wisdom
7 July 2007
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