Update 4 – 3 February 2005

Perhaps the most important item in our Manifesto deals with the necessity to have MAC publications regarding the Mother’s original vision preserved for posterity in the appropriate Ashram department as a part of her legacy.

We are pleased to announce to our readers that copies of the Chronicles of the Inner Chamber are now with the Research Library of the Sri Aurobindo Archives Department in Pondicherry, and are available to researchers who wish to learn of the Mother’s original vision, as well as the true position regarding what has been built in Auroville.

The importance of this development lies in the fact that this is the first official acknowledgement of the Mother’s Vision. We believe that MAC has been able to prove through its publications that the Mother’s most important legacy to humanity is her plan of the Inner Chamber. With this, several points in our Manifesto have been fulfilled. We will continue in our endeavours to provide the public with new revelations to further bring home the fact that the Mother’s Vision is an unending source of Higher Knowledge.

Readers who wish to have a hard copy of the complete Chronicles may send a request to matacom@msn.com for procurement details.

Wishing our readers a fulfilling 2005, we remain at the Service of Truth.

Convenor and Coordinators

Matrimandir Action Committee

